
The Void The Far East The Midwestern Desert The Ocean The East The Southwest The Rettian Peninsula

<  East        West  >

(Nope, that’s not an error — west and east really are switched on the Platform… A mistake that stuck.)

(Click here to see a higher-definition version!)

The Platform is a large expanse of rock that’s 1831 miles long and 1014 miles wide. Like a tiny portion of Earth, it possesses various biomes. In general, the western parts of the Platform are usually hotter than the east, and the south also tends to be hotter as well. The largest portion of the ocean surrounding Teak is rather cold, and keeps coastal cities much colder than their surrounding cities. Teak, Somber, the Click Cities, and Vira-Teakala even have snow! The Far East Islands have an extremely unpredictable climate. However, the northeast areas of these landmasses are almost always covered in ice.

The Void

The Void is the place after the edge of the world. It’s pale gray clouds as far as the eye can see, and no flying creatures dare to try to find out what lies after that. Gravity increases exponentially in the void, becoming more powerful the farther one gets from the edge. Even the most powerful flying machine would eventually be pulled down. There appears to be no end to it, as anything that falls into it falls forever. In Marreism, it’s a custom to throw the bodies of the dead into the void. Most of the edge is protected by a short stone wall, and in western regions, it is covered by many plaques, offerings, and small statues honoring lost loved ones.

The Far East Islands

The Far East Islands are a little-explored strip of land near the eastern edge of the Platform. Its remote location and drastically-changing climate and weather make it difficult to reach. The area is remarkably barren from what has been seen of it, besides the animals that have been introduced to the area and sea life that can travel to it, is completely deserted. Even birds and plants are mostly absent, the latter issue causing herbivores to die off almost instantly and carnivores to be forced to feed on fish or each other. The soil is rocky and acidic, though some types of grass survive. The northern Far East Islands are very, very cold, being known a the most inhospitable place on the Platform. It is covered in an ice sheet all year. The only attempt to colonize the rather cold eastern frontier have been made by the Click cities, though even their colony is barely holding together. Oddly enough, the southern Far East is hot and savanna-like.

The Desert

The desert is a large area that includes over half of The Platform’s land. It isn’t actually as blisteringly hot as most assume it is — mostly, it’s just very dry. This, however, often results in dehydration. Due to the vastness of the desert, almost the entire western Platform is somewhat hot and very dry, with the exception the Vervan woods. The northwestern area of the desert is dominated by a massive caldera filled with carbon dioxide and sulfuric fumes. It’s occasionally known as the Strelk Pit, and is home to the species of the same name. 

For completely unknown reasons, hundreds of creatures each year are born in the desert. They have no parents, and are born at a variety of ages and with a variety of skills. They can even be any species — plants, animals, or sentient critters. The sentient ones come in a lot of variety. They can be any species, even ones that don’t exist anymore or ones that never have, so they can be completely unique biologically. Some have magic, some don’t, some can read, some can’t, some are adults, while others are infants. However, they are all born with white blankets. These individuals are called “desert-borns” or “desertfodder” (though the latter is a derogatory name). Orphanages in places such as Dump and Verval are often full to the breaking point with desert-born children, and there are almost always ones who don’t find homes. These unlucky children are usually used by mines and sweatshops as a cheap, disposable workforce.

The Ocean

Most of the eastern Platform is covered by ocean. For some reason that really no one knows, the water simply stops at the edge of the world and doesn’t flow off into the void. However, water that isn’t part of the ocean can still be thrown from the Platform. For example, though the ocean water doesn’t ever flow off the edge, if one were to fill a bucket full of it, they could then pour it over the edge.