
Some important players in the drama. Each of the characters’ names can be hovered over to see the pronunciation!

Major Characters

The important guys, with fleshed-out backstories and character arcs.

Name: Quadrilateral
Lifespan: Infinite
Species: N/A
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: Variable, massless
Birthday: N/A
Magic: None.
Religion: None.
Physical Description: A blinding white creature with forty strip-like arms that surround his body like a robe. His face is pure, deep black and looks almost like a mask, with four closed eyes and a white square on his forehead. He’s similar to a strelk in body shape. His tail constantly drips a blank ink that will generate new life wherever it touches (normally small microorganisms, but sometimes larger things, even up to sentient beings).
Personality: He’s mute and almost never interacts with the living creatures of the Platform, as he’s invisible to most of them. When he does, he seems to be rather aloof.
History: The god of life, day, heat, and earth. Everything inanimate thing he touches will be animated, making the sand he walks upon turn to budding plants and beetles. He effectively is the father of all the desert-born, as he walks through the the desert eternally and the ink that falls from his tail spontaneously generates life of all types.

Name: Tetracontagon
Lifespan: Infinite
Species: N/A
Gender: Female
Height and Weight: Variable, massless
Birthday: N/A
Magic: None.
Religion: None.
Physical Description: A pitch black creature shaped somewhat like a deer with a very long tail. Her face is a blinding white and looks almost like a mask, with four closed eyes and a black circle on her forehead. Her tail constantly seeps a white smoke that will create inanimate matter wherever it flows (often air or dust, but sometimes larger things like minerals or water).
Personality: She’s mute and almost never interacts with the living creatures of the Platform, as she’s invisible to them. When she does, she seems at least somewhat positively interested in them.
History: The god of death, night, cold, and sky. Everything she touches, if alive, will die. For her, time moves very slowly, giving her enough time to retrieve souls of the dead from their bodies. However, if the dead individual is either thrown off of the edge of the Platform or consumed by the Sehen, she doesn’t need to do this.

Name: Caeder Drammer
 1015 – 1087
Species: Pennie
Height and Weight: 7’7″, 367 lbs
March 15th
 Mild dynamoautosis.
Non-practicing Uni.
Physical Description:
 A very tall, well-muscled pennie with deep blue feathers and a very long train. The “mask” on his face is also quite well-shaped. Quite attractive by pennie standards, mainly because he ended up effectively being bred for that purpose because of the way pennies choose partners.
Enthuasiatic, extroverted, and compassionate, and very pacifistic. He’s very fond of other species and cultures. He will not stand for any sort of injustice as a result of being exposed to the rampant sexism of Rett he experienced during his childhood.
Caeder was born to the previous rex of Rett, though she died shortly after his birth due to complications. He was raised by his aunt during the course of his childhood, and grew to fiercely idolize his ancestor, Scaelette. During this time, there was a major controversy surrounding his eventual ascension to the throne. Some argued that, as he was the only heir to the throne, he should rule Rett regardless of his gender. However, others argued that rexes are strictly female, and he should not be allowed to lead and should be replaced with a fitting female candidate. He was caught in the middle of this conflict for much of his life, and fought hard for his right to rule. Eventually, he was successfully coronated. Once he ascended to the throne, he made some changes, primarily attempting to increase foreign relations (he even joined the Platform’s council) and increasing education standards. After the initial shock of having a male ruler wore off, he was decently-well received by the public.

Name: Everest Lyada
Lifespan: 1033 (born at 5) – 1096
Species: Feline nam
Gender: Female
Height and Weight: 5’1″, 131 lbs
Birthday: July 10th
Magic: None.
Religion: Non-practicing Marreist.
Physical Description: A gray tabby feline nam with brown eyes and notched ears. She has cream-colored fur on her stomach, chin, and fingers. She has a speech impediment, slurring her words and making them hard to understand.
Personality: Very social, trying to acquaint herself with everyone she meets. She loves music, and plays saxophone in a band that plays for the workers of the Whisle Company mine. She’s very close friends with Morty (against her better judgement), and often tries to keep him out of trouble. Sadly, she usually fails.
History: She was found in the desert by Bludmars at the age of five, though was unable to be placed in a proper orphanage. As such, she ended up working in a mine owned by Gregory Talza, where she met her friend Morty. As Morty grew richer due to smuggled gold, eventually bought the mine, and began to get a bit drunk on power, she tried to keep him in check. He was alright for a time, though eventually he became rather emotionally abusive towards her. At this point, after much deliberation, she decided that, for her sake, she needed to cut off ties with her childhood friend and leave. She traveled to Rett to stay with Caeder, and the two became very close friends over this period. However, eventually Morty reached out to her, having kicked his alcoholism, and begged her to come back. She complied, and the two lived together until Morty’s death (at which point Everest was the sole heir to his fortune). 

Name: Mortimer Whisle
Lifespan: 1033 (born at 6) – 1083
Species: Kangie (though he was unaware of this for some time, calling himself an odder)
Height and Weight: 
5’3″ (nose to tail), 83 lbs
July 9th
Decently weak pyrogenesis.
Non-practicing Marreist.
Physical Description: 
An off-white-furred kangie with a notch in his left ear and circular eyes.
Swears like a sailor, smokes like a chimney, drinks like a mourner and is rich like a king. Very narscasstic and petty, and has a callous disregard for the emotions of people around him, despite loving having people adore him. However, his close friend Everest would attest to there being a different, nicer side of him… Though it’s not like anyone else ever sees it.
He was born from the desert and found by Bludmars before being placed in Gregory Talza’s mine. He was very resentful of this dangerous, low-paying job. At one point, he managed to find a large deposit of gold veins deep within the mine, and, in order to try to escape his job, began to smuggle large quantities of gold from the mine and sell it directly. He gained a good amount of money, ending up purchasing the mine and running it himself. After years of owning the highly-profitable and very successful mine, he grew drunk on his power (aside from getting drunk in the regular sense) and became emotionally manipulative and violent, driving people away from him. However, after accidentally injuring Everest while drunk (and subsequently having to cope with her leaving him for several months to live in Rett) he began to make an effort to change his ways and make amends (including vowing to never touch alcohol again), at which he was somewhat successful.

Name: Terrak Tepalago
Lifespan: 1032 – 1071
Species: Strelk
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: 4’3″, 75 lbs
Birthday: September 7th
Magic: None.
Religion: Initially a follower of the Strelkish Religion, though was Marreist for most of his life.
Physical Description: A short, skinny strelk who is partially albinistic — his scales being mostly off-white with occasional patches of normal green coloring. As he’s a strelk, he’s mute, and speaks through telepathic imagery. Short even for a strelk, his small stature comes from the malnutrition he endured as a child. He wears a large mask, slightly similar to a gas mask in appearance. This mask is connected by tubing to two tanks on his back which are filled with gas from the Strelk Pit (as he cannot breathe oxygen and would suffocate without them).
Personality: Optimistic and very curious. Has a habit of assuming the best of everyone, even if that’s not true, which can lead to him being a doormat and being taken advantage of by people. Quite intelligent and creative, but afraid of responsibility, especially responsibility of children (due to being unable to save Blinder during his time in the caldera), and of making decisions. He has an obsession with birds and flying.
History: He was born in the Strelk Pit and lived there for the first eleven or so years of his life in a very low status, though he was eventually driven out by Hunter after attempting to prevent the murder of Blinder, a young blind strelk. He managed to flee the caldera and ran into Ross, who took him in and raised him with Harchord. After spending a few years with them, he went off to find work in order to get enough money to build a flying machine — something he had always wanted to build — and found it in Whisle Co. Though Morty gave him access to all the funding he needed, he wasn’t a good boss and treated him like dirt. As such, Terrak eventually finished his flying machine (which he christened the “Blinder” in honor of the child he witnessed being murdered in his youth) and left as soon as he could. He found another job in Bludmar Abbey, where he helped transport Bludmars from city to city with his machine, and worked and lived there until his death.

Name: Tomma
Lifespan: 759 – 1147
Species: Masker
Gender: Female
Height and Weight: Variable, 359 lbs
Birthday: June 24th
Magic: None.
Religion: Atheistic.
Physical Description: Being a masker, she appears as a purplish blob in her unshifted form. However, she often chooses to appear as a quadrupedal, dragon-bird creature with black feathers, a silver beak, and silver plates along her neck and belly. She was the last masker to ever live.
Personality: Stubborn, protective, a bit rebellious, and determined to do what she thinks is best for people. Has witnessed a lot of suffering and the extinction of her species, and is determined to not allow anyone close to her to get hurt ever again. She is incredibly protective of Cornelius, almost violently so, and for a time was his closest friend. However, this changed to be less platonic over time, even though Corn made it clear he didn’t feel that way about her.
History: She was born in a masker tribe before the masker war, though this tribe was razed to the ground by a Rettian army during her childhood. Like many other maskers that survived the initial razing of Maskepol, she was stuffed into a tar-coated barrel and thrown into the sea. She was able to survive in biological stasis for a time, and was eventually dredged from the sea by Teakish divers. She met the Teakish queen and her son, Corn, soon after her freedom. She quickly developed a bond with him, and they became fast friends. Her natural protectiveness proceeded to excessive extremes, though, after an incident that occurred when they were flying together (a common activity for them): he fell off of her and hit the water very hard, fracturing his spine and leaving him with permanent back issues. This protectiveness led her to convince Cornelius to run away with her many years later so that he wouldn’t be locked up due to his powerful magic, and attacked anyone who dared to threaten him. On their journey across the Platform to hide Corn, she also attempted to kill Caeder in revenge for Rettian armies killing her kind long ago, but couldn’t managed to do it. When Cornelius’ magic became too much for him and he tried to tell her to leave him and flee, she insisted on staying to protect him. This eventually led to her meeting Solei at Bludmar Abbey, another one of the few remaining maskers, who was able to educate her about the culture and history of her species. After Cornelius’ recovery, she returned to Teak with him, where she lived the remainder of her life.

Name: Cornelius “Corn” Hallia
Lifespan: 1048 – 1137
Species: Stark
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: 5’11”, 221 lbs
Birthday: November 1st
Magic: Extremely powerful panokinesis, though this had to be removed after it became destructive.
Religion: Rimean.
Physical Description: A portly, incompletely-darkened starkish man, leaving him a light gray with freckles covering his skin. He has fluffy hair, which he unusually keeps short due to his step-father’s influence, and bright purple eyes. He also has back problems, and thus carries a cane with him constantly. After his magic incident, he was left with the right half of his body having the chalky black skin characteristic of some very powerful magicers.
Personality: Though he’s extroverted, decently friendly, and intelligent, he tends to be a bit rebellious and has a fear of responsibility. However, taking on role as king helped him get over these issues somewhat. He and Tomma were inseparably close, as they’ve known each other ever since Corn was a child. He’s also close with his mother, his step-dad, and his uncle.
History: Cornelius grew up normally, living with Vera and Kana. As Kana married Vera when Corn was very young, he never once questioned Kana’s presence, and views him as his one and only father. As he got older, his magic continued to get stronger, and no amount of magic training could curb these tendencies. After being told by Tomma that he would be locked up if he stayed in Teak, he agreed to run away with her to avoid this fate. However, his magic was to destructive to be controlled, and resulted in countless casualties in every city he stayed in (and even more resulted from Tomma’s violent attempts to protect him). As a result, he convinced her to take him to Bludmar Abbey to get his magic removed. Though mechanical means and many months of work, the magic specialists there were able to remove his magic safely, and Cornelius was able to return to Teak and live happily with his family, albiet with several chronic health issues from the traumatic removal process, which relegated him to a wheelchair. He took on the role of Teakish king after his mother retired.

Name: Kanaserga “Kana” Hallia (né Kana Serga)
Lifespan: 1027 – 1109
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: 4’9″, 97 lbs
Birthday: May 20th
Magic: None.
Religion: Previously agnostic, now Rimean.
Physical Description:  A short, pale-skinned human with blond hair, thick glasses, and blue eyes (that eventually developed cataracts, rendering him blind all together). He often wears many layers of clothes, and has an old purple scarf that he’s always seen with, as its presence is very comforting to him.
Personality: Very obsessed with the law and doing what is right. However, he was a somewhat skewed view of what the right thing is, as he will follow and enforce legal laws religiously without questioning if they’re truly just. Though he managed to shake some of this black-and-white thinking as he got older, it was still hard for him to understand. He also managed to develop some other hobbies, like playing board games and reading fiction, as time went on, and learned to spend time and communicate with people. He loves his wife and son.
History: He was born in Dumpe to a poor desert-born 17-year-old, and had never met his father. In an effort to provide for him, his mother began stealing many things and otherwise trying to swindle people out of their money. She was eventually caught and jailed. One of the lawyers involved in the case took pity on Kana, who was only about four at the time and was rendered parentless, so he found him a place to live for a time and would swing by every so often to teach him and say hello. Even early on, Kana quickly became obsessed with the law (due to the fact that his only positive influence was a lawyer) and began to believe that his mother abandoned him when she turned to crime. This belief caused him to hate those disregarded the rules. As he grew, so did his obsession, and though it was quite unhealthy he became very good at it. Eventually, he went to attend law school in Vira-Teakala, and met Veraldas there. The two became friends, and eventually more than that, ending up getting married after Veraldas graduated. He lived happily with her for the rest of his life, working as a lawyer in Teak.

Name: Veraldas “Vera” Hallia
Lifespan: 1024 – 1115
Species: Stark
Gender: Female
Height and Weight: 6’2″, 192 lbs
Birthday: February 12th
Magic: A powerful form of geokinesis that results in six hexagonal, green gemstones to follow her and be commanded by her (though they have some mind of their own). They grow as she does.
Religion: Devout Rimean.
Physical Description: A decently tall starkish woman with very pale skin and wavy white hair that she wears in a bob. She has light blue eyes. Being his twin, she looks somewhat similar to Blik.
Personality: Somewhat strict and does her best to appear composed to the public, but is very passionate and social. She also is extremely determined and stubborn. She has a very close bond with her brother, Blik, and even though this relationship was somewhat estranged in the past due to him disliking her fiance, Yens, it was mended and the two are once again as inseparable as they were as children. She has a single son, Cornelius, who was a product of her relationship with Yens.
History: She was born to Jasmine and Ulgaria of Teak, and lived a normal life for her early years, being close friends with Yens and her brother. However, when most of her family were killed in the Teakish tragedy, her mother descended into depression. She took it upon herself, even at her young age, to care for her mother and her grieving brother and even attempted to take her mother’s place as queen. She partook in intensive training to prepare her for the role. During this time, she became romantically involved with Yens — a relationship that ended up with her becoming pregnant. She was very nervous about motherhood, which was compounded even more by Yens abandoning her during this time and fleeing their engagement. She went on to attend college after her son, Cornelius, was born, though the workload of being a full-time student and a mother was extremely hard on her, and she became overcome with stress and depression. However, not wanting to become her mother she decided to seek help and eventually rose above her grief. Eventually, she met and married Kana, and the two lived together happily. Cornelius’ magic issues that occurred later on threw the family into turmoil again, though he eventually recovered and Vera lived surrounded by her family until her death.

Name: Blikivallian “Blik” Hallia
Lifespan: 1024 – 1163
Species: Stark (though heavily warped)
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: 6’1″, 98 lbs
Birthday: February 12th
Magic: Sehenautosis (obtained via infection)
Religion: Devout Rimean (being that he’s the Sehen).
Physical Description: A lighter-skinned starkish man with shoulder length hair (which he keeps in a ponytail) and gray-blue eyes. Due to his Sehenness, he has reddish pigment on his nose, ears, irises, digits, and spine, as well as spiky vertebrae and sharp, wedge-like teeth. Being her twin, he looks somewhat similar to Vera.
Personality: Rather quiet — he usually keeps to himself. He’s quite sensitive and has trouble dealing with negative emotions, and very often worries that people will hold his past mistakes against him (leading to a habit of stress-eating, which isn’t usual for Sehens). However, despite his lack of social skills, he does enjoy being with his family and making a difference in his religion. He’s very close to his sister, his nephew, and his friend Ambrister.
History: A quiet and reserved child, Blik lived a relatively normal childhood. After the death of most of his family, barring his sister and mother, during the Teakish tragedy, his mother became distant from Blik and his twin. During this time, Nobles offered him a position as the Sehen of Teak — he accepted so that his sister wouldn’t have to do it, even without knowing the nature of the job. When he learned, he was horrified, though was forced to participate or starve. He chose the former, which shaped the rest of his life and destroyed his already tenuous relationship with his mother. Blik and Vera still remained close, though. As time passed, Alka took over mentoring him in place of Nobles, and things seemed to be going well until an incident where, upon being attacked by Yens, Blik bit him. This landed him in house arrest for several months, but he managed to avoid being executed (or, worse, losing his mind entirely). Though this damaged his reputation substantially at first, he was able to eventually repair it and resume his duties as the Sehen of Teak, eventually taking on an apprentice himself after Alka’s death. 

Name: Alkavire “Alka” Varlequez (née Adourian)
Lifespan: 761 – 1052
Species: Stark (though heavily warped)
Gender: Female
Height and Weight: 5’0″, 78 lbs
Birthday: October 26th
Magic: Sehenautosis (obtained via infection)
Religion: Devout Rimean (being that she’s the Sehen).
Physical Description: A dark-skinned (for a female) starkish woman with a lanky frame, short spiky hair, and pale pink eyes. She has a small scar over the edge of her mouth. Due to her Sehenness, she has reddish pigment on her nose, ears, irises, digits, and spine, as well as spiky vertebrae and sharp, wedge-like teeth.
Personality: Assertive and somewhat grumpy, though mostly just quiet. She likes to keep to her business and have everyone else keep to theirs. Though she has little charisma, she does her best to remain involved with her religious duties and does enjoy them. She rewards those who do manage to befriend her with snark.
History: She was born to the royal family of Veeta, and became the Sehen when she was quite young, working under the previous Veetan Sehen, Otto. She, through being quite careful in her life, proceeded to live the longest of any Sehen to ever come before or after her, though this long life also carried with it many losses, such as that of her mentor, her wife, and two of her apprentices. By the time she intervened to mentor Blik, she was determined not to outlive him, and ended up getting her wish, finally dying at the ripe old age of 282.

Name: Rimewell Sehe
Lifespan: 565 (born at 35) – 762
Species: Odder
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: 16′ (nose to tail), 1644 lbs
Birthday: January 1st
Magic: Sehenautosis
Religion: Devout Rimean (being its founder)
Personality: Very calm and difficult to rile, with a good sense of humor. He loves to contemplate the world around him and interact with the people around him. He has an overall parental demeanor.
Physical Description: A centipede-like odder with many limbs (all with hands on their ends), dark reddish back plates, and a cream-colored belly. He has large pincers bordering his mouth, sharp, wedge-like teeth, long spikes along his spine, mouse-like ears, and dark brown hair that falls down over his eyes. He’s almost completely blind.
History: He was born in the desert, followings groups of people and raiding cemeteries for a supply of food, and as a result of this (and also his somewhat frightening appearance and his claims that he could see the gods) garnered him a reputation as a strange cryptid. Eventually, he did befriend a group mostly made up of humans and starks. Wanting to give them hope and find a better place to live, and also stating that the gods were telling him to move, he encouraged them to travel east with him, to which most agreed. The band traveled east for many months, finally arriving in current-day Veeta. He, Teakala, and Viraldyne founded the city there, with Rimewell founding his religion of Rimea. He trained Otto as his apprentice and lived for many years, though finally met his end when he was killed in a bombing of the main Rimean Quaraspit. 

Name: Soyataki “Soy” Hallia
Lifespan: 1002 – 1030
Species: Stark (though heavily warped)
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: 6’3”, 113 lbs
Birthday: January 15th
Magic: Sehenautosis.
Religion: N/A (He couldn’t care less, despite being the Sehen. He was raised as Rimean).
Physical Description: A stark that never fully darkened, leaving him with pale skin and freckles. His mid-back length wavy hair is streaked with gray, and he wears it in a ponytail. Being the Sehen, he also has reddish pigmentation, spiky vertebra, and sharp teeth.
Personality: Aggressive and disobedient. He prefers to be left alone, hating the expectations placed on him and how others treat him when he doesn’t live up to them. He acted out violently in his youth, but ended up being more withdrawn and cold as he grew. Eventually, his Sehen magic managed to eat away at his mind, leaving him little more than a shell of what he used to be, driven only by hunger.
History: The youngest child of Ruby and Sorik Hallia. He had a history of impulsivity and violence, which reached concerning levels when he cut off his elder sister’s earlobe at eight. His father determined that he must have some sort of magic causing him to act like this, and had Nobles and Alka make him the Sehen of Teak in hopes of killing it. However, his aggression was only pushed to the extreme when he became the Sehen, where he began eating corpses raw behind his mentors’ backs. Alka eventually abandoned his training out of frustration, while Nobles (after learning of Soy’s actions) encouraged his behavior for his own reasons. This lifestyle slowly drove the man insane as his magic gained more and more influence over his mind, resulting in him suffering a complete mental break and mauling multiple people before being detained. After being deemed too far gone to be treated and too much of a danger to remain alive, he was convicted and later taken to Veeta to be executed.

Name: Nobles Frasier
Lifespan: 777 – 1072
Species: Multiple, though his physical body is that of an unaligned nam. Usually just called an amalgam
Gender: Many, though since Krypton is in charge, most just call him male
Height and Weight: 6’7″, 314 lbs
Birthday: November 28th
Magic: Magikinesis.
Religion: Devout Marreist (being that he’s the Bludmar’s Abbot).
Physical Description: Not actually one person, but five who inhabit the same body. The five were placed into one body, that of Krypton. Nobles thus looks like Krypton, only with a polygonal, six-sided head that can shift so that a different face is facing forward. The forward-facing head will glow in varying colors (green for Krypton, pink for Helium, blue for Argon, yellow for Xenon, and orange for Neon) and can see, hear, and speak. Krypton can choose which face is in front, as the control of his arms allow him to twist his head around as he pleases. All of the siblings can read each other’s thoughts vaguely. Regardless of who in in front, Krypton will still control his body. He has grayish hide like that of an elephant and very long arms with bulky three-fingered hands.
Personality (of Krypton, the dominant sibling): Since Krypton is in control, he’s the personality most know of Nobles. He’s very much a control freak, strongly resisting change of any kind and using his political position to reinforce that. He follows his mother’s religious doctrine to the letter in every instance he feels he can, but has the one fatal flaw of not ascribing any one sin as being worse than another (meaning that he ranks murder about as immoral as lying or stealing, which can be problematic given his desire for things to remain the same through any means necessary). Though he has a lot to say at the pulpit, he’s very quiet in almost every other circumstance, rarely speaking and instead only silently watching.
History: The siblings were born in the desert over a course of about seven years near Leilani’s ranch, and when she found them she decided to take them in. They worked and lived there happily for several years until a rockslide occurred in 789, killing all of them. Their mother came home to a sight of them all dead and viewed there to be no other option but to trade her life for theirs, reviving them into one body (Krypton’s — it was the least damaged by the rockslide). The newly-formed amalgam stumbled to Bludmar Abbey to try to get to Bludmar for help. They found her and Bludmar raised them, continuing to try to raise Krypton as her apprentice. However, his mother’s death and the fact that he had lost control over his own body frustrated him, and he grew angry with the world and cold. Even as an adult, when he took over the Abbey after Bludmar’s insanity, this dislike of everything around him and constant need for control remained, putting a large rift between him and his coleader, Janus, which developed into potent hatred.

Name: Janus Rosarche
Lifespan: 782 (born at 3) – 1212
Species: Near-human
Gender: Agender
Height and Weight: 5’10″, 168 lbs
Birthday: April 23rd
Magic: Location-limited ananesis. They can envelop regions around them in a particular orientation in varying colors of light, at which point they can do pretty much anything to whatever is inside these regions, be it inanimate or animate.
Religion: Devout Marreist (being that they’re the Cardinal Marrie)
Physical Description: An average-height near-human with dark brown skin and dark wavy hair (which, along with their eyelids, has a purple iridescent tinge to it). They have eyes with golden-yellow sclerae and pupils that are vertically oblong in shape. Their lower eyelids have two slits in them (which aren’t a result of any injury – they were just born that way). In addition to normal human limbs, Janus has four tubelike limbs that protrude from their back. Each limb possesses four appendages on their ends, and are filled with fluid of varying colors (either pink, purple, green, or yellow depending on the specific limb). These can retract back into their back. Though normally covered, they have patches of luminescent skin that encircle their shoulders and their wrists
Personality: Outwardly very stoic, tending to maintain a relaxed, amused, and slightly humorous disposition regardless of what they’re actually feeling. Though this helps them be excellent at diplomacy, as they never really get riled, it often makes it difficult for them to form deep emotional bonds, even if they really do care for a person. Janus loves to communicate with people and be part of their community in Bludmar Abbey, and while they are very religious, they do their best to be tolerant and believes that the rules of the religion are not set in stone and can be bent or changed if needed.
History: After being born in the desert, Janus lived on the streets for the first several years of their life until being taken in by Bludmar. Janus studied under  her until her death, and became very close with her as a result. Bludmar had originally planed for them to be the sole leader of Marriesm after her death, but due to her attachment to her son, she was unable to truly break the news to him before she died, instead saying that they and Nobles should lead together. After Bludmar’s death, Nobles became the bureaucratic leader of Marreism, while Janus became the religious leader, having more authority over the religion itself than Nobles did. However, Nobles grew to resent them for it, despite Janus’ insistence that they just wanted to have a good relationship with the only family they had left. Janus thrived in their new position despite this, though, and became very popular among their followers. They eventually married Solei, and the two lived quite happily. After Nobles’ death, Janus took over as leader of Marreism in its entirety.

Name: Bludmar Frasier
Lifespan: 748 (born at 5) – 889
Species: Avian-Mammalian nam
Gender: Female
Height and Weight: 5’6”, 193 lbs
Birthday: May 4th
Magic: Hemokinesis (the ability to move and cleanse blood). She uses this magic to heal people — sampling the blood of patients to check for diseases and removing any ailments if she discovered them.
Religion: Devout Marreist (being its founder).
Physical Description: A nam with short, tan chicken-like feathers and longer, darker brown feathers that grow from above her eyes (she ties them underneath her chin). She has clawed fingers, pink eyes, and a pale beak with protruding fangs.
Personality: Very selfless and kind, but also very stubborn. However, this stubbornness is what makes her determined. She loves to grow flowers, even breeding her own species called Mara lilies, and is very family-oriented, loving to spend time with Leilani and her children.
History: She was born in the desert as a child and raised in an orphanage, surrounded by sickness and disease. It was there that she began to use her magic to start to heal people, and this ability became more and more well known in Dumpe as time went on. She grew into her teenage years during the time of the war on Maskepol, and aggressively rallied against this war and Dumpe’s involvement in it, going as far as to attempt to hide maskers to avoid the kill on sight order out against them. She founded Bludmar Abbey as a way to hide these people, claiming it as a sovereign state so that the order wouldn’t have sway, but was still regularly jailed and had her refugees taken away and killed anyway. She grew deeply upset with the culture that could cause something like this to happen, and decided to make an effort to reform the religion of Quattora around the idea of pacifism and compassion, as she believed that the war went directly against the gods’ wishes (it was originally named Marreist Quattora, though after her death it was simply named Marreism). During her time in the abbey, she met Leilani and fell in love with her, marrying shortly after, and also began training Leilani’s son Krypton as her apprentice. After Leilani died, she took in her children (now fused together into Nobles) and raised them as her own, though found the task very difficult and often had trouble knowing what they needed. In addition, she took Janus under her wing as another apprentice, and unofficially adopted them. Unfortunately, in 841, her magic proved too powerful for her and took over her body. She was eventually put out of her misery by Janus.

Minor Characters

The ones that are still an important part of the Platform, but aren’t as focused on, and are relegated to black-and-white character icons as a result. (Don’t see a lifespan? It’s still being worked out… It’s hard to keep track of all these people.)

Name: Scaelette Drammer
Lifespan: 699 – 764
Species: Pennie
Gender: Female
Magic: Very potent dynamoautosis.
Religion: Devout Uni.
Physical Description: A tall, commanding pennie with a scar across the bridge of her nose. Due to a growth deformity and strength magic she towered over nearly every other sophont at almost ten feet in height. She weighed about a thousand pounds, and almost all of that was muscle. She was so large that, if not for her strength magic, she would’ve collapsed internally and suffocated under her own weight.
Personality: Commanding and decently stern, and stubborn as a mule. However, she was open to learning new things and techniques as long as they were not forced upon her or intended to change her beliefs. A gifted leader and strategist. She was very close with the only male member of her council, Cartius, with whom she has several children.
History: Born into leadership of a large band of pennies, she found herself disgusted with the in-fighting amongst the various groups, and led a conquest to unify them under one name. After her success, she founded the modern system of the Rettain monarchy and government, and eventually led Rett against the western city of Maskepol in the Masker War. Due to her size and strength, she was a monster on the battlefield. She killed unheard of amounts both on the opposite side and her own due to her berserker tendencies. It took over fifty maskers to finally bring her to her knees, though the city of Maskepol died with her. She had eight children at the time of her death, one of whom took the throne in her stead.

Name: Camellio Varlequez
Species: Mammalian nam
Gender: Female
Magic: Decently powerful electro-KG, her right hand is positively charged and her left is negatively charged.
Religion: Marreist.
Physical Description: A yellow-furred nam with long, three-pronged ears and blue blood and tissues. Her eyes are bright blue and her pupils are somewhat “t” shaped. She often wears rubber gloves to prevent herself from shocking people.
Personality: Curt, to the point, somewhat harsh, but she genuinely cares about each and every patient she treats, though she doesn’t like to admit it.
History: She was adopted by a Veetan family and lived most of her life in the city, working as a doctor. Eventually, as part of her job doing autopsies, she ran into Alka, who she quickly hit it off with. After about five years, they ended up getting married. Camellio lived happily with her wife, eventually retiring to work on her woodworking hobby, until her death.

Name: “Blinder” [No Name]
Lifespan: 1045 – 1047
Species: Strelk
Gender: Female
Magic: None.
Religion: N/A (she died when she was too young to even understand what religion was.)
Physical Description: A small, thin toddler with perpetually dilated eyes due to her blindness. Also due to her blindness, she is unable to project — a huge disability for strelks.
Personality: Shy but curious.
History: She was hatched in the Strelk Pit, though once she aged, it was discovered that she was unable to project. Strelks view blindness as contagious, and were horrified, so she was killed by Hunter.

Name: Ross Tepalago
Lifespan: 1014 (born at 2) – 1083
Species: Feline nam
Gender: Female
Magic: None.
Religion: Devout Marreist
Physical Description: A brown tabby feline nam with decently long, soft fur and orange eyes.
Personality: Humorous, jovial, and somewhat extroverted. She’s not very good an improvising, but is excellent at following plans and working with things that have definite rules. She loves plants, and hopes to one day visit Verval (as they have many types of exotic plants). She’s nurturing and loving, if not a bit overbearing, though she tends to hold grudges. She was very ambitious in her early years, but is now content to take life a bit slower and spend quality time with her son and her husband.
History: She was born from the desert and managed to be placed in an Dumpish orphanage with her childhood friend Sehrmoch. She started working early and quickly became devoted to it, working up to three jobs at a time in an effort to gain enough money to go to college. She eventually went to a well-known college in Dumpe, majoring in agricultural science so that she could one day go to Vira-Teakala and work with scientists there. During her time there, a mutual friend introduced her to Harchord. The two became close very quickly, though their relationship suffered some issues (due to Harchord’s drinking), which resulted in him dropping out of college. Harchord eventually kicked his addiction, and the two were married. Ross finished college and intended to go to Veeta, though after some soul-searching she determined that she really didn’t want to anymore. She just wanted to stay in the city she loved with the person she loved, so she did so. She started up her own farm on the outskirts of Dumpe and grew pomegranates and figs, and though she was never rich or famous she was happy. She eventually rescued Terrak from the Strelk Pit and took him in, adopting him as her son, and she loves him dearly.

Name: Harchord “Cory” Tepalago (né Litchfeild)
Lifespan: 1007 – 1102
Species: Stark
Gender: Male
Magic: None.
Religion: Non-practicing Rimean.
Physical Description: A tall stark with blue-gray eyes and hair that reaches his waist, which he wears in a ponytail.
Personality: Quiet and without much of a sense of humor. He’s very introverted nowadays, and still feels guilty over his mistakes during his youth, but has tried to let them go. He’s very frugal and intelligent. Though he prefers to be isolated, he loves to spend time with his wife and son.
History: He was born in Vira-Teakala to a well-off family who had high hopes for him. He did excellently in school, and when the time came his parents sent him to Dumpe during his late teenage years to attend college, intending to major in mechanics. During this time, he was introduced to Ross, the nam he would end up marrying. However, as he had lived such a sheltered childhood, once he was without supervision he went sort of berserk. He drank and partied a lot and made horrible decisions at this age, and his failing grades in college made it impossible to graduate. Out of money, he dropped out, and realized the mistakes he had made. He ended up marrying Ross, and the two decided it was time to live a quiet life together. While she farmed, he did occasional jobs fixing up autos and other machinery. When they adopted Terrak, it was Harchord who introduced him to the world of mechanics and helped him create a blueprint for his flying machine. Even after his son left to find work, the two remained very close.

Name: Yehanson “Yens” Gallo
Lifespan: 1023 – 1109
Species: Stark
Gender: Male
Magic: None.
Religion: Rimean.
Physical Description: A dark-skinned, attractive stark with long hair that reaches his back. He’s rather tall with pinkish eyes.
Personality: An extroverted, if not somewhat irresponsible, person who is quite clever.
History: He was born to a rich family in Teak, and was tutored by the same tutor that taught Veraldas as a young child, causing them to meet each other. They became close friends, and he also became good friends with her brother, Blik. However, when Blik became the Sehen, Yens became deathly afraid of him and stopped talking to him. As Yens and Vera grew older, they became romantically involved. Eventually Veraldas announced that she was pregnant (with Cornelius), and he was terrified of the inevitable marriage that would follow. He consulted the shipping company he worked for and asked to be taken to Rett along with the cargo, though was discovered by Blik. Yens attempted to drown him to keep him from telling Vera, but Blik ended up losing control of himself and biting off his arm. After this, Yens cut all ties with the Hallia family, and after testifying against Blik at his trial, moved to Veeta with his mother.

Name: Jasmine “Jas” Hallia
Lifespan: 990 – 1051
Species: Stark
Gender: Female
Magic: A very weak, subtle omeautosis that warns her of incoming bad events by making her feel panicked before they happen. However, she has no idea when the event will occur, or even what it will be. Often, the panic occurs for months before the actual event.
Religion: Devout Rimean.
Physical Description: She has light blue eyes and is relatively dark-skinned by female stark standards. She has wavy white hair that is just past her chin.
Personality: During her peak, she was a strong, opinionated, social woman, if not a bit aggressive.
History: The oldest daughter of Ruby and Sorikthena Hallia, and it was obvious that she would lead from a young age. She took over for her father during his insanity. She met Ulgaria during a performance of his, and the two got married very quickly after this. They very much wanted to have children, though Jasmine suffered several miscarriages. Eventually, though, she successfully gave birth to twins, who she named Blikivalian and Veraldas. For a long period of time as they grew, she was very happy. However, after her family died during the Teakish tragedy, she sunk into depression and drinking, and a botched suicide attempt rendered her partially paralyzed and removed most of her ability to speak. She was moved to a psychiatric hospital in Veeta, where she remained for the bulk of her life.

Name: Ulgaria “Ullie” Hallia
Lifespan: 996 (born at 2) – 1034
Species: Stark
Gender: Male
Magic: Powerful hydrokinesis.
Religion: Rimean.
Physical Description: A very tall stark with deep indigo eyes and hair that is long enough to drag across the floor even when plaited.
Personality: He was fairly quiet, though had a good sense of humor and was quite showy when asked to display his talents. He loves children, and was very happy to have two of them.
History: A desert-born stark who worked as a dancer in Dumpe, using his hydrokinesis to create a display of water as he danced. His group was very popular, and he eventually traveled to Teak and put on a show for the royal family, where he met Jasmine. The two were quickly married, and they have two children together. They lived a good life together as a family, though Ulgaria’s life was cut short by the sinking of a ship with him on it. He was on this ship because he offered to temporarily take Jasmine’s place in the Platformian council (as she doubted their son could make the trip, as he had severe pneumonia, and wanted to stay home with him). He initially tried to kept prevent it from sinking with his hydrokinesis, but was unable to do so for the entirety of the storm and eventually collapsed from exhaustion and drowned.

Name: Rhudall “Rudy” Ashton (née Hallia)
Lifespan: 995 – 1034
Species: Stark
Gender: Female
Magic: None.
Religion: Devout Rimean.
Physical Description: A tall woman with short, very curly white hair, decently pale skin, and violet eyes. She is missing her earlobe on her left side.
Personality: Bouncy, easily-excitable, and very compassionate. Often also capable of being a bit mischievous. She was very close to her husband Carrlio, her adopted daughter Seirra, her sister, and her niece and nephew.
History: The youngest child of Ruby and Sorikthena Hallia. She lived normally with her family until her death. She was killed in the same manner as the vast majority of the Hallia family.

Name: Somba Karta Montgomery
Lifespan: 748 – 837
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Magic: BlastoAD.
Religion: Devout Novamean (being its founder).
Physical Description: A pale-skinned human man with gray-streaked brown hair that he wears in braids, a square jaw, and green eyes.
Personality: Somewhat standoffish, but very passionate towards what he believes in.
History: A native of Veeta, he grew up surrounded by Rimea and quickly developed an interest in it, eventually becoming an ocun. During his time in the Quaraspit, he grew very close to Otto, and the two remained friends for many years. However, he began to center his preaching more on the idea of spreading Rimea, and on bolstering Veeta’s population (which was not growing particularly fast, due to the lack of desert-borns). Otto found his ideas harmful, and they caused a rift between the two. This came to a head when Otto told Somba he would remove him from his position, at which point Somba stabbed Otto to death. Somba denied doing this, and his followers whole-heartedly believed him, while Alka, Otto’s apprentice at the time, blamed him for it and called for justice. Somba and his followers left Veeta, traveling north to found the city of Somber, where he developed the religion of Novamea. He ruled there as the Kartasehen until his death (around which there were mysterious circumstances — it was classed as an assassination, but many rumor it was suicide).

Name: Octolabrous “Otto” Adourian
Lifespan: 603 – 793
Species: Stark (though heavily warped)
Gender: Male
Magic: Sehenautosis (obtained via infection)
Religion: Devout Rimean (being that he’s the Sehen).
Physical Description: A very tall starkish man with long hair he wears in a braid, a gaunt frame, and glasses. Due to his Sehenness, he has reddish pigment on his nose, ears, irises, digits, and spine, as well as spiky vertebrae and sharp, wedge-like teeth.
Personality: Quiet, but fairly pleasant to be around. He’s quite studious, with a flare for biology and the study of insects.
History: The second Sehen, appointed by Rimewell. His appointment was very experimental, being that Sehen magic had never been given to anyone else before, so many were curious to see how the transfer would work. After some unpleasant warping, it worked quite well: Otto took over Rimea after Rimwell was killed, and appointed an apprentice of his own, Alka. Several years after this, he ran into a degree of conflict with his friend, Somba. Though he hoped to diffuse it, and that Somba would change his ways, he never did, and eventually decided to remove Somba from his ocun position. However, upon telling him this, Somba flew into a rage and stabbed his lifelong friend to death in an act that would forever split Rimea.

Name: Apteratimph “App” Weller
Lifespan: 863 – 1089
Species: Stark, though he has been warped to the point where he just calls himself an odder.
Gender: Male
Magic: Very powerful meteokinesis (obtained by infection).
Religion: Non-practicing Novame.
Physical Description: He used to be a stark with blue eyes and long, fluffy hair, though he now has pitch black skin, silver hands and hair, glowing eyes and internal body parts, clothes that are permanently attached to his body, and insect-like legs due to how his magic warped him.
Personality: He has a good sense of humor and doesn’t take life too seriously, and is caring and easy to make friends with. He has insane amounts of willpower, if his handle on magic that drove another person insane is any indication, though he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.
History: He grew up in Somber and became the bugle-player for their army, though he was sent (along with many other soldiers) on a suicide mission to go kill an insane magicer. Needless to say, it did not go well. Every other soldier was massacred, and he was infected with the magicer’s magic after they succumbed to their injuries and died. After his transformation ordeal, he decided to wander around the world and mainly travels the desert to look for desert-born children. He also brings rain to desert farms (he has powerful magic that can control the weather) in exchange for some of their food. During his travels, he adopted two daughters, who traveled with him as children but now live their own lives in Dumpe. He also often attends the Platformian council upon request of Nobles, though he isn’t entirely sure what his purpose there is.

Name: Sargassa Nel Manticore
Lifespan: 957 (born at 2) – 1037
Species: Odder
Gender: Male
Magic: None.
Religion: Atheistic.
Physical Description: A decently large, quadrupedal odder with a long neck and tail. He has a beak-like snout, amber eyes, and four sets of ears, and he’s covered in short reddish fur that is lighter on his stomach and darker and striped on his back. He has a ridge of longer fur along his spine and a mane around the base of his neck.
Personality: He’s downright jolly by all standards, having a good sense of humor and taking things as they come. He is pretty level-headed and this trait allows him to be an excellent diplomat.
History: He was born in the desert, living in Dumpe for most of his early life, and traveled to the newly-formed Click once he hit sixteen in hopes of a better life. When war broke out between factions of the city, he became involved in the army and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a general. After the council’s intervention stopped the war, he was chosen to become the  first president of the newly-formed West Click. Due to the lack of a limit on terms and his popularity, he stayed in office for the majority of his life. He seems to be on good terms with East Click’s Queen, Shelly… Possibly beyond just diplomacy?

Name: Colton Otto Porter
Lifespan: 928 – 981
Species: Pecoran (deer) nam
Gender: Male
Magic: None.
Religion: Rimean.
Physical Description: A skinny nam with dark brown fur, a long snout, and impressive antlers.
Personality: He was quite set in his ways, though not impossible to talk to. He was very clever.
History: He was born to a family of non-magicers an in Somber, who, were upset with their place in society. As he grew older, he became a major proponent of leaving Somber altogether, and eventually joined forces with other similar families of desert-borns and non-magicers and went on to found Click (adopting Charlotte during this period). He became the first king of Click. He died of a liver tumor partway through the Clickish Civil War.

Name: Charlotte “Shelly” Silvera Porter
Lifespan: 958 – 1051
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Magic: None.
Religion: Rimean.
Physical Description: A tall, muscular human with dark skin, one green eye and one blue-gray eye (the blue-gray one being lost due to shrapnel and regrown over several months with the help of magic), a plethora of small scars across her face, neck, and chest, and curly grayish-black hair, which she wears in a bun.
Personality: Very direct and blunt, and will not stand to be made fun of or brushed off. She’s very cunning, but has a good sense of humor once she warms up to people and loves friendly teasing at that point.
History: She spent her early life in Somber, but was quickly taken to the new city of Click by her father. When the Clickish War began, she was eager to defend the city her father now ruled and joined the army without a second thought, many of her friends and members of other founding families doing so as well. Her strategic mind allowed her to be very successful there. After her father’s death, she took his place as the ruler of Click at only 23 and did quite a good job leading the Eastern army against the west. Even after the war has ended, she was well-liked by her people for her good judgement and effective reinforcement of the law. She seems to be on good terms with West Click’s president, Sargassa… Possibly beyond just diplomacy?

Name: Leilani Frasier
Lifespan: 750 (born at 4) – 789
Species: Rodent nam
Gender: Female
Magic: Bio-AD — the ability to trade a life for a life, including hers.
Religion: Devout Marreist (she loved Bludmar’s ideas about the religion).
Physical Description: a rodent nam with a long hairless tail, light brown eyes, a ratlike head, and tan and white fur.
Personality: Very studious and eager to learn everything she could about the world around her. She was born with a loose knowledge of chemistry, and this was by far her favorite subject — she even named her children after elements. She also spent huge amounts of time with her kids and wife, and loved to farm.
History: She lived on a farm in the desert near Bludmar abbey, and was decently successful there. After concerns about her son, she visited Bludmar abbey to ensure he was okay and fell in love with Bludmar after meeting her. Sadly, the romance didn’t last long, as her life was cut short when a rockslide took her children away and she sacrificed her own life to bring them back (all in one body — a sort of loophole in her magic. She technically traded a life for a life, though the life was shared by her six children). Bludmar, grieving her death, renamed the lake Bladmar Abbey was built near after her, calling it the “Lake of Leilani”.

Name: “Hunter”
Lifespan: 1033 – 1058
Species: Strelk
Gender: Male
Magic: None.
Religion: Strelkish Religion.
Physical Description: A tall, bulky, prodigious strelk with yellowish brown scales. Even in his youth, he was revered for his hunting skills (as his name shows).
Personality: He’s not very nice to his inferiors, and tends to feel that he is better than others.
History: He lived in the Strelk pit under the Strelkish Queen.


Name: “The (Strelkish) Queen”
Lifespan: 1019 – 1056
Species: Strelk
Gender: Female
Magic: None.
Religion: Atheistic.
Physical Description: A very tall stark who dresses in pastel colors because of her status, and has long, protruding scales on her forehead and cheeks. She has dark green scales and some darker spotted patterning.
Personality: Relatively quiet and withdrawn, but a skilled projectionist and an intelligent leader. She takes great joy at keeping her city running smoothly and her population subservient.
History: After being chosen as a worthy successor by the previous leader of the Strelk Pit, she ruled over the place for most of her life. During this time, she continued what the previous leader had done — promoting repopulation and strictly leading her subjects.

Name: “Painter”
Lifespan: ???
Species: Strelk
Gender: Male
Magic: Aerokinesis.
Religion: Agnostic.
Physical Description: A lanky strelk with dusty tan scales.
Personality: Not much is known about what he was like, but it would make sense to assume that he was adventurous and creative.
History: An ancient strelk. Due to his magic, he was able to surround himself in a bubble of fumes from the Strelk Pit and walk up into the surface world. As he traveled throughout the Platform, he painted pictures of what he saw, and brought all of these paintings back to the caldera when he returned. His paintings are the greatest treasures of the modern strelks, and are used as a sort of encyclopedia for what types of living things inhabit the world above.