
Content Warnings:

(These might actually be good here, since this one is darker than the first one.)

  • Emotional themes
  • Mentioned cannibalism
  • Very minor body horror

(As a note, I would read this page on Sehens, as well as some information about the Rimean religion, as they provide some useful context and without it the comic doesn’t make a ton of sense.) 
Year of Comic: 1034.
Blikivallian Hallia has recently become the new Sehen, though he didn’t make a particularly informed decision. His sister, Veraldas, comes to try to comfort him.

Author’s Notes

And here’s another one! Man, it’s much sadder and less humor-based than Reluctant Self-Discovery. This one is only about half as long (almost exactly half, which is kinda funny), but I’m still really proud of it. Blik and Vera are some of my favorites, and I’ve really been wanting to showcase them in comic form! As a bit of a behind-the-scenes story, this one was really hard to script. The Hallia family is full of drama and comicable moments, sure, but the things that happen to them have long-lasting effects and often take many years to fully resolve. As such, it was hard finding a situation that would work — most situations would either have to be vastly longer than 50 pages (which I just don’t think I’m ready for at this point) and a little on the dull side for large portions, or would have to be cut down, which would likely cut out the resolution of the conflict entirely and make the comic seem unfinished and depressing. This is why I think a lot of their issues would work better in a novel format (hypothetically, if I ever got around to it), as getting in the character’s heads and getting to the deepness of emotional drama is easier there. However, that’s besides the point. I found a good situation that I felt like I could make work, and lo and behold, it worked! This one took me little under a month to complete (from July 20th to August 11th). I’m pretty happy with it! I had to go back and retroactively add Vera’s crystals to quite a few pages, though, since I keep forgetting them. But I guess that’s just part of comic-making.