
0 – 50: The Platform is created by Tetracontagon. At this time, most of the Platform (barring the Strelk Pit, Cartius and Appelgeon mountain ranges, and some western regions) is covered by ocean.

50 – 150: The first living organisms are created by Quadrilateral after the Platform is completed, including things like animals, plants, and microbes. Over the course of many years, the populations of many organisms stabilize to be self-sustaining in numbers without need for desert-born individuals.

110 – 200: Tetracontagon allows the oceans to recede to their current position to make space for more of Quadrilateral’s creatures.

230 – 350: Quadrilateral creates the first sentient species, strelks, suited for the environment of the Strelk Pit. Their populations quickly stabilize. Quadrilateral models himself after his new creations. However, after around a century of tending to them, he grows bored of them and moves on, leaving them to their own devices.

400 – 550: Quadrilateral begins creating other sentient species whose populations eventually stabilize, beginning with pennies. As time goes on, kangies and maskers also stabilize (the former of which immediately move to the southwestern forests), as well as humans and starks. Other nams and odders also appear, but due to their variance are never able to stabilize. 

460 – 550: Numerous small towns begin to form across the desert and, as time goes on, the southwestern forests. Due to some desert-borns being born with knowledge, the technological advancement of these bands vary (with levels equating to eras anywhere from standard prehistory to our medieval era). 

480 – 524: The town that will eventually become Dump begins as a hub of desert-born individuals, and quickly becomes a center for trade due to two boons: its position in the approximate center of the desert, and its proximity to a large river. In 524, it is officially founded as the first real city of the Platform, then being known as Dumpe (from the concept of falling into the world suddenly, as desert-born do), and sets up a government based in direct democracy.

540 – 591: Various groups move down to the southwestern forests. The lush region is immediately claimed by many separate groups, most notably by a group of maskers (later naming themselves the United Masker Tribes) and a band of pennies (Gens Pennetis). These two largest groups often clashed, with these border scuffles developing into a full-out war as both nations grew and land became scarcer. Kangies, which also lived in the region but weren’t considered a nation in and of themselves, often interfered with the fighting or attacked each of these groups, seemingly without any reason aside from their own amusement. The Masker Tribes and Gens Pennetis warred over the same territory for about a decade before a mixture of the conflict and kangie guerilla attacks forced latter out of the region and to the east, where the remaining pennies scattered and formed isolated tribes along the Rettian peninsula, Cartius mountains, and modern-day Trells. The Masker Tribes formed the city of Maskepol (from “City of Masks”) in 591, located east of modern-day Verval.

565 – 589: Rimewell Sehe is born from the desert in 565. Though living the first years of his life as a cryptid-like figure that would raid burial sites and preach to those around him about his ability to see his gods, he slowly amassed a following (mainly consisting of humans and starks, as he lived near a community made up of these species) after seemingly being able to predict deaths and miracles. During a particularly bad drought in 583, and the fighting in the south preventing any expansion into that region to escape it, he convinced many of those who followed him to travel with him to the east, as his god was beckoning him there. The group traveled east past Pipercross Lake, through the Somban Woods, and finally to the Veetan Peninsula. Upon reaching the peninsula in 589, Sehe and two of his followers, Viraldyne and Teakala Adourian, worked together to found the city of Vira-Teakala, with Sehe specializing in the formation of his religion, Rimea.

590 – 639: Kangies, because of their own recklessness and from being hunted down and killed as vermin by their neighbors, are made extinct. The last kangie is sighted in 639 – after this, no more sightings of kangies are ever reported. Few records of them were kept and their species is largely forgotten.

650 – 700: A generally peaceful period. Some new technology is developed, but what is most critical about this period is its existence as a time for the various cities of the Platform to develop and solidify their cultural and religious traditions. 

728 – 742: Scaelette Drammer, heir of one of the larger remaining bands of pennies (born in 699), takes leadership her tribe after her mother is killed in a border skirmish with another tribe. She announces her desire to unite the tribes of pennies into one nation in order to regain their previous strength, and to create a country of law and justice. Using her strategic skill, advantage in manpower over the smaller tribes around her, and her impressive physical size (a result of a combination of magic and what is suspected to be a pituitary malfunction), she leads her army on a conquest across the southeast. By 742, she has assimilated all major tribes. Having secured her authority, Drammer officially declares the once-fragmented pennie tribes as one nation, known as Respublica Retentata (“The Retained Republic”), often called Rett.  Additionally during this time period, Flossikora Sterling was made Sehen in 734 due to her renowned genius and interest in the area.

755 – 757: After spending about a decade creating and maintaining the structure of Rett, Scaelette Drammer begins to desire to avenge her ancestors by driving all maskers out of Maskepol and claiming the region as her own. She begins seeking assistance from the other two notable cities at the time. Veeta’s king is able to be persuaded to offer limited help in return for medical and agricultural resources, while Dumpe is much harder to convince.  Eventually, Drammer offers to turn Maskepol, as well as a large portion of land located in modern-day Trells, over to Dumpe’s authority after the city was captured. Dumpe agrees to these terms. With Veeta and Dump rallied, Rett officially declares war on Maskepol in 757. 

757 – 766: Rettian and limited amounts of Veetan forces begin to conquer small outlying groups of maskers in modern-day Trells very easily, while Dumpe’s forces apply pressure from the northwest. With a combination of skilled Rettian soldiers and many powerful magicers from Dumpe and Veeta (while maskers were left with nothing but more basic weapons and their own shapeshifting abilities), these battles are extremely one-sided and Drammer’s army quickly approaches Maskepol. However, as these battles rage, it quickly becomes obvious to the Veetan and Dumpish forces that Skylette’s plan isn’t just to claim land – it’s genocide of all maskers. Veeta’s king, upon having these rumors confirmed and being heavily pressured by Rimewell’s apprentice at the time, Octolabrous Adourian, removes support from Rett. Drammer disregards this and plans with Dumpe to launch her final assault on Maskepol. When the battle arrives, though, her forces are caught very much off-guard by the strength of the city and it is much bloodier than she had imagined. Dumpe orders a full retreat, while the Rettian forces remain and fight. Drammer, along with over half of her army, is slain, but she did succeed in her goal: Maskepol was pillaged and razed to the ground, and almost all of its inhabitants were murdered or subjected to a process called “barreling” (trapping maskers, often young ones, in barrels coated with tar and then sinking them in the ocean). Skylette’s daughter Claudia Drammer takes the throne in her stead, and heavily chastises Dumpe for their retreat and Veeta for withdrawing support. Veeta offers no response to her criticism, while Dumpe’s leaders do continue to reason with her and pledge to kill any remaining maskers that are caught on their territory in return for getting to keep the land that Scaelette had promised them. Claudia, concerned about what Dumpe would do if she tried to claim this land back, begrudgingly agreed. However, she formally declared in 766 that she would cut all ties with other nations and no longer negotiate with any of them, beginning Rett’s many decades of solitude. Dumpe, meanwhile, went about cultivating its newly-claimed forest land, founding the city of Verval (from “True Strength”) on the shore of Pill Lake.

764 – 792: As what will eventually be known as the Masker War rages, many people from Dumpe feel dissatisfied with their country’s involvement in the genocide of a species. One of the most vocal among this group is Bludmar Rosaline, who hosts many protests against the war effort and at several points after the war was arrested for hiding maskers. Her hatred of the war caused her to take the simpler widespread religion in Dumpe, Quattora, and reform it into a series of more explicitly stated beliefs and customs based on her philosophy that all life is precious and that love is the most important thing in society. Over time, this became known as Marreism. She quickly amassed many followers, though her movement never gained enough political power to halt the war. Bitter at her failure and at the Dumpish government for the “kill on sight” order, she took her followers north and founded a city by the shores of the lake the known as the Northern Lake. She deemed the city independent so that the order wouldn’t apply there, but the Dumpish government still technically had reign over the city and could enforce their law despite her insistence. She still attempted to hide maskers to varying degrees of success. She also regularly sent expeditions into the desert to search out and support desert-born individuals without a place to go, and initially built the principle feature of her city in order to house them: Bludmar Abbey. As the city grew larger and larger over the next several decades, Dumpe was eventually forced to declare it an independent city in 785, but by then there were no longer any maskers to hide. Bludmar continued ruling her new nation and married Leilani Frasier in 786 (taking her last name) and appointed her son Krypton Frasier (later known as Nobles Frasier) and eventually Janus Rosarche as her apprentices. After her wife’s passing in 792, she changed the name of the Platform’s northernmost lake to the Lake of Leilani.

762 – 781: On the five year anniversary of Rett’s declaration of war on Maskepol, a Rettian extremist bombed the largest Quaraspit in Veeta, killing several people and Rimewell himself in the process. When the assassin attempted to make a speech about her glory, she got only a few words out before shuddering and mysteriously dropping dead on the spot. Octolabrous Adourian took over his post as Sehen and chief figure in the Rimean religion, taking on an apprentice, Alkavire Adourian, in 766. Flossikora Sterling, on the other hand, kept to herself and focused on her magical research. However, less than 20 years after Alkavire’s initiation, Flossikora was discovered to have been performing illegal and cruel experiments on unwitting test subjects. She was arrested and tried, where she plead guilty to all charges and was sentenced to death.

792 – 794: Within Veeta, there is a large split between members of the Rimean faith. Sombakarta Montgomery, previously one of Octolabrous’ closest friends and one of the most powerful ocuns in Rimea, began to put emphasis on attempting to bolster the Veetan population and continue bloodlines and magics from important individuals, and spoke out against what he viewed to be Marreist destruction of traditional Rimean culture. He gained many followers who were concerned about the possibility of Veeta’s population beginning to decrease (without the population-bolstering ability of desert-borns) and the vulnerability that this would bring. Octolabrous, however, vehemently spoke out against this idea, feeling that it devalued those that were, for any number of reasons, unable to produce children. Additionally, he was fairly close to Bludmar at the time, the two often meeting to swap ideas, and claimed that an alliance between the two religions could only bring good things. This disagreement grew in intensity over the next several years, destroying their relationship and culminating in Octolabrous telling Sombakarta that he would be removing him from his ocun position. Sombakarta, enraged, stabbed his lifelong friend to death with a letter opener in 793, though there were no witnesses to the disagreement or the murder itself (as both Sombakarta and Octolabrous had always kept their issues to themselves). As such, the end result was a dead Sehen and no obvious culprit. Alkavire Adourian claimed that Sombakarta was the one who had done it, while he denied it. His followers stood by him, creating a large rift and civil unrest within Veeta, some accusing Alkavire herself of killing her mentor in a bid for power. Eventually, Sombakarta voluntarily left Veeta to avoid violence, traveling northward with his followers. Alkavire takes over as Sehen, reiterating her desire to remain allied with Marreism. 

795 – 837: Sombakarta reaches a place he deems fit to found a city, and christens the city Somber in 795. He and his followers quickly build a flourishing city with the resources the Somban woods have to offer, as well as a new religion: Novamea. Sombakarta deems himself the new Sehen of the religion, renaming this position the Kartasehen, and in a symbolic effort to display his unity with his followers, cleaves his first name to become Somba Karta, forming the traditional Somban middle name. Most of his followers do this as well. Somba Karta appoints an apprentice and rules the city, which grows quickly due to his philosophy on child-bearing and remains over 90% Novamean for a large chunk of its existence. He rules fairly peacefully until his death in 837. His role in Octolabrous’ death is never revealed.

881 – 920: Bludmar, having ruled over Bludmar Abbey for many years, continues to rely on her magic to heal those around her. However, with the increased fame of the Abbey, she is forced to use this magic a great deal, as people come from far and wide for her assistance. This continued use strengthens her magic, which eventually causes her to begin to warp on a physical level. Her children become concerned, advocating for removal of her magic, but before she is able to begin the removal process, her warping takes a drastic turn for the worse, ripping apart her body and effectively killing her mind in 889. The warp she becomes kills many priests and visitors to the Abbey, absorbing their blood to grow larger in size. While Nobles Frasier attempts to remove her magic in hopes of saving her, he is injured, and Janus Rosarche kills the warp with their magic, ending what was left of Bludmar’s life. After a period of recovery and grief, Nobles Frasier and Janus Rosarche take over Bludmar Abbey in 890, acting as Bludmar’s Abbot and Cardinal Marie, respectively. However, there are rumors that the two were never as close as they once were after the death of their mother. Nonetheless, through the coming decades, the Abbey and Marreism continue to do well, and Marreism grows to become the dominant religion across the west by the early 900s.

941 – 943: The current king of Dumpe, Abel Sherman, passes away suddenly from meningitis in 941, leaving behind his two adopted children Reuben and Delilah Sherman. Due to his sudden passing and the relatively young ages of the two (being 18 and 24, respectively), he didn’t have time to officially appoint an heir to the throne. The two siblings are luckily on very good terms with one another, preventing most possible conflict, though each one still has interest in taking the throne. With some advising from the council, the two decide to split Dumpe in two, declaring Verval an independent city in 943. In addition to this separation, the two make the decision to change the way that power is transferred within their cities in hopes of the same thing happening in the future, making it so that future leaders will be elected instead of inheriting power from their parents. The process goes smoothly, all things considered, with Reuben leaving to rule Verval and Delilah remaining the leader of Dumpe.

958 – 972: As medicine and living conditions continue to improve across the Platform, populations grow. However, this has an unpleasant side effect: in many western areas of the Platform, and even some northeastern ones (especially Somber), food begins to become scarce, with many people being forced to resort to low-quality or rotten food in order to get by. In an effort to combat this, the current ruler of Verval sends a large team of famers, agricultural scientists, and engineers to the western coast of the Rettian gulf in 972, where they are instructed to found a new city and produce as much food as possible. 

969 – 976: Within Somber, the food shortage causes tensions to run high. The upper and lower classes clash, sometimes violently, over present wealth disparities and the poor living conditions of most immigrants to the city (many of which are desert-born workers and their families). The government attempts to suppress this rebellion, and is able to drive many of the primary protestors from the city into the woods with their superior military power. In solidarity with those forced from the city, many other citizens of Somber leave their homes and follow the protestors to the north. Somber allowed them to leave on the condition that they would be barred from ever returning. The band of travelers cross the northern gulf largely through use of magic, and found a city on the northern shore, which they name Click.

972 – 987: Over the course of several decades, Verval’s plan to resolve the food shortage works – the river deltas in this area and regular floods may present a challenge for building, but provide rich and nourishing soil for the growth of food. In addition, new advances are made in anti-erosion techniques, fertilizer use, and crop rotation thanks to this focused effort, which aid farmers all across the Platform. The famine is largely resolved as time continues, and the new city is named Trells, granted independence from Verval in 987 with the blessing of its government. 

977 – 984: The first people of Click were split into two very defined groups: Those that wanted elected leaders, and those that wanted a more familiar monarchy like that of Somber. These two tended to clash, though lived in one city (where East Click is today). For eight years, they lived in a very shaky peace with a somewhat ineffective government of an appointed ruler that ruled for life (which no one was really happy with). Aggression between the two sides first begins shortly after the compromise was put in place, in late 977. Violence is at first due to a select few that were part of gangs, but eventually even everyday citizens are actively assaulting, robbing, and destroying the property of the other group out of pent-up frustration and spite. Eventually, in 979, the group that favored elected presidents organizes a full military and attempt to overthrow the government of Click. They are stopped by the government’s army and driven out of the city and to the west. However, as a result, almost everyone leaning in this political direction flees the city to join the rebel forces out of fear of persecution or hope of aiding the rebels — many of whom were family members or friends. The remaining citizens highly doubt that the rebels would stop trying to take the city, so they discard the old government structure and (with no resistance from the opposing group) form a monarchy, led by Colton Porter. They then build up their military and prepare for war, as do the rebels in the west, who appoint the young Sargassa Manticore as their head general. Throughout the war, Western tend to focus on guerilla strikes of supply chains and outposts, as they are severely lacking in manpower and supplies. The East retains a more predictable battle strategy, forming tight units and utilizing the new technologies of the first mass-producible firearms, as well as heavy cannons. The Western forces scrape by for several years, though realize that they weren’t doing much permanent damage to the East, which is able to recover quickly from their small attacks and still has the advantage in resources. Manticore an attempt to both starve the East and intercept their supplies: sending a large force away the city to create a thin border of soldiers across the entrance to Click’s peninsula in order to cut off the land-based supply lines heading to the city. Excellent at traveling in the wilderness in small groups, Western forces claim the area with little resistance (most Clickite soldiers were guarding the city, not the routes) and were able to blockade the major roadways of the west and seize and supplies that passed through them. In 981, Colton Porter dies after succumbing to the complications associated with a liver tumor. His daughter, Charlotte, replaces him, and proceeded to show more of a knack for battle than he ever had. She led a series of stealth-based attacks on Western battalions, driving them away from supply lines and further to the west. However, before the battle can escalate further, the official Platformian Council intervenes in an effort to stop the war. They are told to either stop fighting and live as separate cities with separate territories, or to have all inter-city trade with Click completely severed until they came to an agreement. Both reliant on trade, as neither possessed an established city, the two factions reluctantly agree. The older city of Click became East Click, ruled by Charlotte Porter as its queen, while the brand new city of West Click was founded on a small cove, with Sargassa Manicore as its first elected president. The two cities were officially recognized in 984. 

982 – 1026: The technological developments that resulted from both the food shortage and the Clickish Civil War trigger a scientific and cultural cascade all around the Platform. New inventions and discoveries in medicine, engineering, architecture, art, and magic abound during this time period like never before, and the relative peace after the war and well-functioning trade network fuel it. The most notable of these inventions is the development of the automobile, which allowed better communication and cultural exchange between the different cities of the Platform. Glish is adopted as the general lingua franca, meaning that many people in eastern cities learn the language and begin to speak it more commonly in day-to-day life. However, with new invention comes an increased need for energy. The city of Veeta sends an expedition to analyze the ocean floor for traces of oil and coal, and the results show extreme promise on the coal front. Thus begins the Teakish Seafloor Mining Initiative in 996, whose team begins to build a large hollow superstructure that stretches down to the ocean floor, allowing the rich coal deposits to be mined. The project quickly becomes more involved than intended, and many engineers and miners, as well as their families, move to the structure, which quickly develops into a small city in and of itself. Sorikthena Hallia, cousin of the current Veetan king, is appointed ruler of the budding settlement, and he and his wife and children move there. The city’s name is shortened to Teak, and it functions as an independent city. Sorikthena’s son, Soyataki, is appointed Sehen of Teak in 1001, with Alkavire functioning as his mentor with assistance from Nobles Frasier, who possessed magical expertise. 

1022 – 1034: Sorikthena, due to potent paranoia, relinquishes his post as king of Teak in 1022, his eldest daughter Jasmine filling his post. The transition goes smoothly, but Sorikthena passes away in 1032. Soyataki also causes the royal family additional strife: Alkavire, who was previously tasked with training him, had left Teak as a result of Soyataki’s uncooperative and angry behavior. As such, Nobles Frasier took over his training, though did little to curb his violence and trained him poorly. This resulted in Soyataki killing several people before losing himself to his magic in late 1033. During his trail, he was deemed impossible to save and too dangerous to live, resulting in his execution in Veeta in 1034. However, the misfortune doesn’t end for the Hallia family – later in the same year, a marine storm capsizes a ship carrying the majority of the royal family, drowning them. Out of the entire royal family of Teak, only Jasmine and her two young children remain. 

1025 – 1039: The view of outsiders within Rett begins to change. This is led mostly by Caeder Drammer, the newly-coronated rex of Rett (and the first male rex ever to be crowned). His views are quite different compared to the previous rexes, and he stresses the importance of opening up Rett to the rest of the world, obtaining access to new foreign technology and sharing their own technology with other cities. After several years of campaigning and voting, Caeder is given permission to officially open Rett’s borders and rejoin the Platformian council. Foreign dignitaries, workers, and tourists are allowed in Rett for the first time in decades (the latter of which arrive in droves due to the significant differences in culture between Rett and the rest of the Platform), and native Rettians find it much easier to leave the city and explore the world if they so choose.