Things with Wings

Content Warnings:

  • Blood
  • Dead animals
  • Character death
  • Physical conflict

Year of Comic: 1047.
Terrak, an albinistic strelk long shunned for his abnormal pallor, finds something surprising.

Author’s Notes

Aaaand it’s my longest one yet! A full 78 pages, jeez. And six of those weren’t even in the original draft — I added them onto it when I was within a day of finishing to make the comic flow a bit better. I’m proud of it, overall! There are some formatting errors here and there, and I’m pretty certain that at least one page slipped through where I forgot Terrak’s spots (and those also ended up changing a bit as the comic went on even when I did remember them), but I think it’s pretty darn good. Comics are the best medium for strelks, since they speak in images, but even here it’s hard to make it clear what they’re saying! I hope I made everything at least decently clear. In addition to being my longest comic page wise, it also took five whole months to get done. It didn’t even feel like that long when I was making it, either… Though that’s probably because I got really lazy during the first third or so and stopped working on it for probably about a month. After the first half, though, I got in gear! I kept my pace at two pages a day for the bulk of the last half, and during the very end I was churning out upwards of four pages each day. Hahh, I’m so glad it’s done…. I need a nap. And also probably a hand soak.