Reluctant Self-Discovery

Content Warnings:

(I’m not sure if these are wholly necessary, especially for this comic, but it’s best to air on the side of safety, since kids inhabit the internet.)

  • Censored cussing
  • Tobacco usage

Year of Comic: 1052.
Mortimer Whisle has gone through most of his life not knowing what he is — assuming that he’s simply another odder without a definite species. When he and his friend Everest go to visit a museum in Vira-Teakala, though, he soon learns that this assumption was wrong.

Author’s Notes

WOO! It’s finally done! My first real, finished comic! I’m super excited about this, it feels really good to actually finish something like this. I’ve had a desire to make comics ever since I was a kid, though I’ve had this nasty habit of never actually, well, finishing them. I’ve tried a new system this time, though: first, I write a script with all of the dialogue and planned scenes, then I draw a tiny, sketchy version of each page on paper to give myself something to go off of when I finish it digitally! I’m also not coloring the pages and I’m not being super careful when it comes to the lining, which makes them a lot easier and faster to produce. The entire process from start to finish took me around three months — from March sixth to June fifteenth. It’s been a bit of a trial, but it’s been fun. It’s also fitting that the comic is about Morty, as that little weasel-sausage means a lot to me, and was the first Platform character I created! My first ever Platform comic is about my first ever Platform character. How about that. If that’s not nicely poetic, I don’t know what is.