Regions and Culture

As you can see in the map above, the Platform is separated into three (sometimes four) different regions when it comes to culture: the East, Rett, and the West (sometimes split up into the Middlewest and the Southwest).

Basic Information

The EastThe WestRett
Included CitiesVira-Teakala, Somber, East Click, West Click, TeakDump, Verval, Bludmar Abbey, TrellsRett
Climate and BiomesNorthern: mixed forest, coniferous forest, boreal forest, prairie
Southern: temperate deciduous forest, mixed forest
Far East: barren tundra, grasslands, temperate steppe
Northern: semiarid desert, floodplain, mountainous
Center and Eastern: dry scrubland, grasslands
Southern: temperate deciduous forest, temperate rainforest, estuary
Southeastern: mediterranean, humid subtropical grasslands, oceanic
Northwestern: chaparral, arid mountains
Average Temperatures
(in fahrenheit: Winter, Summer)
Northern: 7 / 66
Southern: 19 / 71
Far East: 10 / 66, -10 / 52 (far north)
Northern: 63 / 97
Center and Eastern: 59 / 91
Southern: 76 / 99
Southeastern: 56 / 92
Northwestern: 45 / 84
Population Makeup≈55% starkish, ≈40% human, <5% other species≈35% mammalian nam, ≈20% other unaligned nam, ≈15% human, ≈30% other species97% pennie, <3% other species
Common Religions≈45% Rimea, ≈35% Novamea, ≈10% Marreist, ≈5% agnostic or atheist, <5% other religions≈45% Marriest, ≈25% Quattora, ≈20% agnostic or atheist, ≈5% Rimea, <5% other religions≈80% Uni, ≈15% agnostic or atheist, <5% other religions

Common Schedules

General Eastern ScheduleGeneral Western ScheduleGeneral Rettian Schedule
(Don’t work on Wednesday or Thursday: Midweek. Religious services Wednesday.)(Don’t work on Saturday. Religious services potentially every day.)(Don’t work on Tuesday and Friday. Religious Services once a month on Friday.)
6:30 – 8:00 – Wake up, get ready for the day, eat breakfast, go to work or religious services.7:00 – 9:00 – Wake up, eat a quick breakfast, then go to church if the individual decides to that day (most people go to religious services about three to four times a week).4:00 – 7:00 – Wake up, eat a large breakfast, do sunrise prayers. Then go to work.
8:00 – 11:00 – First part of the working day. Religious services are held during this time, usually ending at 10:30.9:00 – 11:00 – Time to spend at home.7:00 – 15:00 – The working day (Rettians generally don’t eat lunch aside from a small snack).
11:00 – 12:00 – Lunch.11:00 – 12:00 – Lunch.15:00 – 16:00 – Dinner.
12:00 – 17:00 – Second half of the working day.12:00 – 19:00 – The working day. Most people have a small meal while at work.16:00 – 19:00 – Time to spend at home, before going to bed.
17:00 – 18:00 – Dinner.19:00 – 20:00 – Dinner.
18:00 – 22:30 – Time to spend at home, and then go to bed.20:00 – 23:00 – Time to spend at home, before going to bed.



  • Haven [5/26]: A day celebrating the day when Rimewell, Viraldyne, and Teakala (the three founders of Veeta) arrived at the coast after a year-long voyage and settled there. People will attend religious services, eat fish dishes (to celebrate reaching the coast) and often participate in charity events. Those who are far from home for any reason will often return there to celebrate with their families. Celebrated in Rimea and Novamea.
  • Candorday [the last Wednesday in April]: A day when all Rimeans who are at least eighteen and have deemed themselves ready are told the names of the gods by the Sehen. They will then attend religious services with the Ocuns for the first time. The Sehen often delivers a speech at these events, and each new Rimean must speak a sentence or two afterwards. Celebrated in Rimea and Novamea.
  • The Hollow Day [7/19]: A solemn day of mourning Rimewell’s death. During this day, people stay in their homes to be with their families and fast. The Sehen is not permitted to show their face during this day, and must wear a black veil over their heads if they need to leave their living quarters.Celebrated in Rimea and Novamea (with the Kartasehen, in their case).
  • Karta’s Day [6/1]: A holiday celebrating the split between Rimeans and Novameas, and the creation of the latter. Usually celebrated with religious services and giving sweet cakes and soft pretzels to children. Celebrated in Novamea.
  • Cessation [7/13]: A day celebrating the end of the Clickish Civil War. Celebrated in both of the Click cities. Being nice to others is especially encouraged during this day, and fireworks are launched in order to remember the cannons that were fired during the war. Celebrated in the Click cities.
  • Clickish Independence [6/25]: A minor holiday celebrating Click’s separation from Somber. Celebrated in the Click cities.
  • Teakish Establishment [12/2]: Not much of a holiday, but the founding day of Teak. All that’s usually done is taking young schoolchildren on tours of the city that day, and explaining how it works. Celebrated solely in Teak.


  • Lilybloom [7/28]: A holiday centered around the blooming of marra (stargazer) lilies. Celebrated with small gifts to family and friends (think the kinds of things in Christmas crackers, where getting the gift is more fun than actually playing with or using it) and with outdoor activities. Things like fruit or vegetable salads are common festival foods for those in the older crowd, though the younger ones usually stick to the fruit-filled pies and sugar-coated, flower-shaped candies.
  • Eventide Feast [9/24]: A day celebrating Bludmar’s first time in civilization after being born, where a family took her in for the night and offered her food. People participate in charity during the day, and once nighttime comes around people partake in a large feast involving traditional Middlewestern foods like potatoes and pork. People are encouraged to allow anyone who comes to their door to eat with them, so most people will prepare for this by being sure to set extra places. Any food not eaten is usually donated to the less fortunate on that same night – shelters for the poor or homeless will normally accept these foods.
  • The Presentation [1/4]: A day celebrating the month when Bludmar first began preaching her ideas about changes to Quattora. Longer religious services are held during this day. Since the founding of Bludmar Abbey was January 12th, only a little later (albeit a different year), it’s often lumped in with this day.
  • Bludmar’s Wedding Day [3/5]: Not a holiday in the main sense, but many Marreists chose to get married on this day and people usually get off from work on account of that. Younger people (usually just preteens and teenagers) will often try to ask people they’ve been admiring out on dates during these days, or admit to said people they like them.
  • Dump’s Founding [10/19]: A minor holiday remembering the founding of the first city on the Platform, Dump. Often celebrated in areas that aren’t even in the west. People celebrate by decorating their homes with the Dumpish flag (or other memorabilia) and throwing handfuls of sand into the air.
  • End of the Famine [7/22]: A day that was originally to celebrate the founding of Trells and the end of the food shortage across the western Platform, but that ended up devolving into sort of a joke day. During this day, it’s common to give friends and family raw crops such as potatoes and small bundles of wheat anonymously, usually with humorous notes. Even in Trells, they embrace the joke.


  • Lekking Season (Tempestas Lekkendi) [last two weeks in June]: A long festival meant to celebrate the pennie fertile season. Celebrated with publicized competitions between males (for the privilege to sire children) and parades.
  • Omen (Signum) [8/21]: A day celebrating the founding of Rett, where Tacitus (its founder) was told to stop and settle in modern-day Rett by the moon covering up the sun. Religious services are often held during this day, in addition to showing off general Rettian culture.
  • The Day of Skylette (Dies Skylettum) [3/18]: A day meant for celebrating Skylette, the first Drammer Rex, and her contributions to Rettian culture in government. Children often learn about her in school, and it’s an especially patriotic day.
  • The Major Solstice (Solstitium Maior) [June, day varies based on year]: The longest day of the year. This is celebrated with large feasts and bonfires. Traditional foods are grilled lobster (and other crustaceans) and buns baked with peppers and other spices embedded in them. Often takes place during Lekking season.
  • The Minor Solstice (Solstitium Minor) [December, day varies based on year]: The shortest day of the year. Much tamer than the Major. If people do decide to do things for the Minor Solstice, it’s generally small things like staying at home with the family and telling stories.

Regional Foods

(Vegetable and grain-heavy. Most dishes involve noodles some way or another.)(Starch and meat-heavy. They put gravy on everything, eat tons of potatoes, and drink lots of beer.)(Starch and fruit-heavy. Southwesterners are often known for having a bit of a sweet tooth.)(Generally fish-heavy, but also has a focus on bread and vinegar-rich, spicy, or salty foods.)
StarchesWheat (mostly made into noodles)
Potatoes / Sweet potatoes
Barley (often for fermenting, though also for eating)
Wheat (Rettians are known for their bread)
Some soy products
VegetablesDandelion leaves (traditional treat used in salads)
Root vegetables (like carrots, turnips, and radishes)
Garlic (often picked and eaten as cloves)
Palm hearts
Cucumbers (mostly eaten as pickles)
(Most other fruits are used for juices / wines – Mango is popular)
Fish / Shellfish
Most Rettians are Unis, so consumption of land animals is rare.
Fish / Shellfish (oysters are especially popular)
Beers (Middlewestern beer is often called the best on the Platform)
Juices / Wines / Cocktails
Other FoodstuffsSugarcaneGravyCacao / Chocolate / Coffee
Many types of spices like cumin, and cayenne.